To be formally diagnosed with Attention Deficits Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), an individual must undergo a psychological evaluation, or testing. An evaluation employs a comprehensive approach to explore symptoms. To obtain a holistic picture of one’s concerns multiple measures are used. Additionally, a formal evaluation is often required to receive academic accommodations and a prescription for medication to treat ADHD.
What Is the Evaluation Process?
An evaluation begins, much like psychotherapy, with a free 15-minute phone consultation. During that consultation, we will discuss your interest in testing, along with questions and/or concerns you may have. If we determine that an evaluation is appropriate, we will then schedule an in-person initial consultation. During that consultation, we will review relevant information related to your current concerns and disposition. These include, but are not limited to, mental health history, medical history, family history, developmental milestones, etc. After the initial consultation, we will begin the objective testing portion of the evaluation, using a variety of tests that are considered to be the gold standard of psychological measurement in their respective domains. Once testing is complete, a written report of findings, along with clinical recommendations, will be provided. We will then go over the written report during the feedback session. This session provides you with an opportunity to gain clarity and ask questions about the evaluation findings.
What is the cost of an evaluation?
The cost of an evaluation varies. As a result it is recommended that you schedule a 15-minute phone consultation to discuss.